Hi Everyone!
I wanted to give you an update on learning from home! We had a meeting with administration and the third grade team is working to compile resources for you that will be sent out for the next two weeks. Our goal is to provide a more structured schedule of activities for each day keeping in mind a balance of technology and non-technology related activities. Everything is optional. Again, this work will not be graded and we understand that some days it will be easier to complete than others with your families schedule. If your child is frustrated or having difficulty completing the activities on their own, please do not hesitate to reach out. We do not want this to become an additional stress on your family during this time! We are working to gather useful resources and keeping in mind balancing technology and other options for learning and getting outside! We are looking to provide a variety of resources and tasks that use creativity outside of technology. This is a learning curve for all and I appreciate all you are doing at home and your flexibility!
We will be incorporating whole class Zoom check-ins so we can get together as a class and with 3W! This will also allow us time to show kids the new activities for the upcoming weeks. Our first one is planned for Monday (3/30) at 10 am. We will send you the link to the meeting! We are going to attempt to record the meeting so anyone not able to join will be able to watch it!
Please let me know if you have any questions and I am looking forward to seeing the kids faces! Stay healthy!
Best wishes,