Here is a look into what we have been doing this week in our class!
- Publishing our nonfiction books on people and animals - they are coming out amazing!
- Solving addition using a number line strategy
- Read books about forces and motion
- Tested what happens when two objects collide
- Choose Love started gratitude
- Wrote what we are thankful for
Questions to ask your child:
- What have you learned about writing nonfiction?
- What has been your favorite part of publishing your nonfiction book?
- What have you learned about forces and motion?
- How did you test what happens when objects collide?
- What are you thankful for?
- How do you use a number line to add?
- Friday December 20th - Writer's Cafe Winter Celebration
- see attached sign up for food and information
- Food Sign Up
- Friday December 20th - Book Swap