I just wanted to give you a more detailed look into what has been happening in 3N!
-We spent the first month or so of school building a reading life (finding just write books, staying interested and engaged in our reading, finding a just right spot, and working to identify who we are as readers).-Students have worked in small groups being supported on just right texts - answering questions and discussing the book
-We launched nonfiction
-We have talked about reading with a sense of wow - thinking about what am I learning? What is surprising to me? What am I wondering now?
-Students looked at different types of nonfiction texts and discussed their similarities and differences (expository, narrative, life stories, concept, and survey)
-Students will be choosing a topic (either animal or person) to research and write their own nonfiction book about
-We learned the difference between a complete, incomplete, and run-on sentence-We are working to apply this in our own writing
-We learned all sentences must have a capital letter and punctuation
-We are working on slowing down in our writing and handwriting to make sure it is neat and legible, and that there are no capital letters in the middle of our words!
-We have planned and drafted a Halloween story with a beginning, middle, and end (narrative piece)
-We will be working to edit, revise, and publish these stories in the coming week.
-We are focusing on spelling patterns and applying it to other words-We have learned long a and long e spelling patterns
-I am going to be sending a list of top commonly written words for kids to practice at home
-These are words I am noticing misspelled OFTEN in their writing
-Numbers 201-300 are considered third grade words
-The words before are from earlier grades and are no excuse words
-Our first unit we have worked on multiplication & division-We have focused on building a deep understanding, not just learning facts
-We have solved real life problems using both multiplication & division
-We have used math tasks to help us persevere and think flexibly about math
(Please see the 8 Mathematical Practice standards here)
-Our second unit we have started is place value
Social Studies
-We discussed where Native Americans are today-We talked about how Native Americans honor their heritage and culture
-We learned why it is important we learn about Native Americans
-After we wrap up Native Americans, we will be launching our first science inquiry unit. We will discuss how scientists make observations, ask testable questions, test their questions, and draw conclusions. We will be doing this through a variety of activities.-Once we have built this foundation, we will start our forces and motion unit!
Guidance with Mrs. Eitler
-Mrs. Eitler has been in twice to do lessons with our class and 3W-The first week she talked about mindfulness
-The second week she discussed active listening
Social Discussions/Choose Love
-We have started our first stance of Choose Love (Courage)-We have talked about friendships and problems that may arise in 3rd grade with 3W
-Students identified that sometimes they can feel left out with other friends or some said they feel pressure to always work and play with the same person
-We discussed the importance of including others and how it makes others and ourselves feel
-We brainstormed some problem solving strategies: changing where we sit, trying to work with different people, telling our friends we want to try to work with another person but we can play at recess
-I have already noticed students trying new strategies and branching out to make new friends!