I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
We will be starting our second character value in choose love - gratitude. We will learn that gratitude is mindful thankfulness and the ability to be thankful even when things in life are challenging. When you practice gratitude you feel thankful and want to share that feeling with others!
I wanted to provide you with some discussion starters and activities you can do at home if you would like to incorporate and discuss gratitude. This list is from the Choose Love program.
- "To me, gratitude is..."
- "I show gratitude at school by..."
- "I show gratitude at home by..."
- I show gratitude in my community by..."
- Show someone how to do a "Gratitude Breath" and explain how it can help.
- Write or draw something every day that you're grateful for. Read it together once a week.
- Make a gratitude list.